Posts in Perfectly Unwrapping
Finding and Following

Discovering God’s Will for our lives is a regular journey many of us have seemingly committed ourselves to, where more often than not, the value is in the journey with all of its trials and errors than it is in the actual destination. Read more as Dr. Tammy unpacks that truth.

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Knock Knock

During times of uncertainty, it’s important to break up the monotony and remember a time when things were simpler. Who’s door will you knock on during challenging times, and more importantly, who will you allow into your life and heart when you don’t know how things will work out? Dr. Tammy explores some of these questions in this article.

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Going Going Gone...

So many things are temporary. And as general as that statement may be, it's still startling to think how we treat much of what we do and what we have as though they are permanent fixtures in our lives. Take for example your current career path or job. There's a good chance that it may not be exactly what you thought you would be doing (good, bad or otherwise) and if it is; there are many who would love to know your secret!

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