Love Is In The Air 

Biblical love involves more than mere emotions and personal preferences.

Love is the DECISION to compassionately, righteously, responsibly, and sacrificially seek the well-being of another

{Excerpt taken from The Tony Evans Bible Commentary}

In just a few days, many will engage in the celebration of love with a variety of Valentine's Day traditions---sending flowers, dining out, and luxurious spa treatments are just a few of those traditions. 

We have been conditioned to believe that love is often expressed through some act of giving and that act of giving is derived from some feeling of affection. But I would argue that as much as we've bought into the giving and feeling; it truly boils down to a decision. A decision that may not always lead us to give; freely and abundantly or feel; lovingly and passionately, but one that is grounded in just what's stated above---seeking the well-being of another. 

John 13: 34 commands us one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. When we choose to love like this, we remove what we feel like and replace it with what we DECIDE and that results in a far better love. A love that is authentic and unwavering. It doesn't change based on how things are going. I chose THAT love.

That God kind of love❤️