Going Going Gone...

So many things are temporary. And as general as that statement may be, it's still startling to think how we treat much of what we do and what we have as though they are permanent fixtures in our lives. Take for example your current career path or job. There's a good chance that it may not be exactly what you thought you would be doing (good, bad or otherwise) and if it is; there are many who would love to know your secret! Or for just a moment, think about the "things" that you've acquired and how you probably felt when you first received them. I would bet that no matter how big or small, new or old; there was some excitement about it being yours forever and ever...Or at least a part of your life for some significant time--Agreed?
But that's not how things always work--And in many cases, that's not a bad thing. There is certainly a sense of security we find in believing that something or someone is stable, consistent, solid and permanent. But what if we adopted a different approach? What if we opted to rest in the comfort of knowing that God has already gone before us and whatever the next encounter, He has not only prepared the way, but also the timing..?!?!

 Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

...And that's enough for me!!! While it's challenging at times when we so desire to feel anchored and have something that makes us feel good or connected; I'd rather hold on to Him, knowing that no matter what; He's never leaving!!!! GOING GOING GONE???? Hmmmm... I think I'll take the STAYING STAYING HERE that God promises!