Making Room For The New

I absolutely LOVE new things!!!! Now that may sound superficial to some, but give me a moment to explain---While my love for new, does on occasion include something hanging in my closet or snugly hugging my wrist; I'm referencing things far beyond the material.

Over the years, my family has experienced having over ten home addresses, living in five states and for nearly four years; managing two completely separate households as my husband's career had him in one state and our children and I lived in another--There were lots of "new" in any one of those periods of our lives!!!

But not necessarily the new that I think most would initially assume--After you cross off places to live, schools, churches, etc...There were and continue to be other "news"...

We, individually and as a family, had to make room for all that God was opening up for us. Notably so, inasmuch as some of what God was doing often felt as though we didn't have time to get comfortable with one phase, we were off to the next. I'm of the opinion that making room for the new doesn't always require you to completely let go of the old, but it does require you to reflect and prioritize on where EVERYTHING fits in your life. 

James 4:8a tells us to "Come near to God and he will come near to you..."

There has to be a commitment made to letting go of the distractions and no more excuses about being too busy. In doing so, He reveals exactly what we need to do and where we need to be. It's up to us to respond. As we allow ourselves to draw nearer to Him and He to us, we have no choice but to MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW, whatever that NEW is. Because guess what??? Anything else won't be able to stay.