Finding and Following

So I came across this statement while reading earlier this week

“Finding God’s will is life’s highest accomplishment; following God’s will is life’s highest fulfillment” Dr. Bob Pittman

Discovering God’s Will for our lives is a regular journey many of us have seemingly committed ourselves to.

Whether it be God’s Will for our career, relationships, finances, etc...I believe most of us follow a pattern of seeking Him and praying that His Will be done in our lives. And total transparency for a moment?!?! I’ve said those very words during my quiet time with Him and then when it was time to move on to whatever else was scheduled afterward, I may have not thought much about it. You see, sometimes I’ve convinced myself that if I pray for His Will to be done, there’s nothing else left for me to do. Anyone else think the same way?

But what an unfair disadvantage we position ourselves for when we don’t follow through...I’m of the belief that those who truly have a relationship with Him, are fully aware when He shares His Will. 

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27

Now what we do with what we hear is a different story. I’d like to believe that at every point in my walk, I’ve been in the Will of God, but I’d only be deceiving myself. What’s even more revealing is that I’m certain there have been times when I knew His Will and still went in another direction-That path almost always resulted in me desperately trying to figure things out in negative situations.

Trial and error is a hard, but effective lesson. When I tapped into the true understanding of His Will for my life, I began to approach matters differently. I recognized that there’s a place in God where he reveals (we FIND) His Will and then another place where He gives instruction (we FOLLOW). 

I encourage us all to pray faithfully for God’s Will to be done in our lives. And then after we’re done praying, commit to following exactly what He shares!