Internal Peace-External Joy

The NLT of John 14:27 tells us this...

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

As I talk to some of my family members and friends, read what’s posted on social media and listen to what’s being reported on the local and national news networks; logically speaking, we should all be walking around in a state of despair. Beyond our current state of affairs, we’re all preparing for the unknown consequences and fall out that will only surface once this health crisis ceases to exist. In many cases, we have national experts that say one thing and political leaders that publicly declare the polar opposite.

But yet there are those of us that choose to be joyful. I’m aware of what the unemployment rate looks like—my son, like many, has been furloughed. I understand that our elderly are considered a vulnerable category during this health crisis—a dear friend shares regular updates with me about her mother in law who is currently on a ventilator. And I recognize that students who have worked so hard, planned and trained for their well-deserved graduations, proms, end of year celebrations and spring sporting competitions will never be able to experience these once in a lifetime moments. Trust me, I get it!!!

But what I’ve decided I’ll focus on is that gift of peace that John 14:27 talks about. And I know that peace doesn’t come from the world because the world is more concerned with the turmoil, despair, and uncertainty—All of which are real for many, but if you KNOW GOD, I mean really KNOW GOD...then you know that His peace surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), therefore I accept that all of what’s going on, may not now, or ever make sense—But my joy still remains!!

I encourage those that are dealing with unemployment. I pray with those that are dealing with health issues. And I get creative with young people who are finding original and fun ways to celebrate!!! I do all of these things with a constant reminder that the joy of the Lord is ALL our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).