Solve the Problem by Recognizing the Root

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
— Ephesians 6:12 NIV

Many are celebrating their state’s stay at home orders gradually being lifted. And most are trying to figure out their “new normal”. However, we have found ourselves in yet another crisis. But this crisis isn’t one that simply dates back to 2019. The signs that this crisis even exists run much deeper than fever/chills, cough, fatigue, or any number of noticeable indicators. 

In fact, it’s been noted in many cases where this particular crisis has permeated the environment most, that there may not be any outward appearance that one suffers from its ills. At least not initially!!! I’ll publicly support peaceful protest, social media awareness, and business boycotts. But beyond that, bringing attention to the root will always be my most formidable approach. 

My family, along with many others, has faithfully been holding on to Psalm 91 during this global health crisis.

In addition to that chapter, my husband recently included Ephesians 6:12 into our family prayer. 

While we rest comfortably in HIS protection (Psalm 91), we have committed to being vocal about how much evil is at the center (Ephesians 6:12) of all we’re currently encountering!

And in this midst of accepting HIS protection and acknowledging the root; we are reminded of the already declared winner in this!!