Matters Of The Heart

Our hearts hold it all. No matter how hard we sometimes try to hide who or what we are, our hearts seem to tell on us.

And I don’t mean that in a bad way (we have enough negativity in the air right now), as we regularly have the habit of exhibiting a hard exterior to cover the softness and sensitivity on the inside. However, the heart has a way of forcing all that’s inside to the surface. One of my younger sisters is a vice-principal at an elementary school and takes pride in her reputation with her students as a HARD DISCIPLINARIAN who doesn’t take school offenses lightly.

I have it on really good authority that while many think her tactics include a strong arm (metaphorically not physically!!), what really happens during her one on ones with students is that her huge heart for their success and well-being is shared and as much as she would probably prefer a more stern approach; her heart gives her away—AND IT WORKS!

Psalm 51:10 states “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me”

Ohhhh, that our nation should do such a thing right now. I’m committed to making sure my heart is sincere, gracious, and understanding, just to name a few. And if I’m honest with myself... Everything on the inside of my heart is not always pretty or what I want to feel, but I repeat Psalm 51:10 with the confidence that God is working on me, as promised!