Just Know The End Is Better

Are you like most people, who enjoy knowing the end of the story? If so, then like many, you may be prone to reading the final chapters of the book first or doing the necessary asking around or online research to find out how a movie end. And while those examples are of endings that don’t directly affect our personal stories, what about the endings that do? 

I think somehow knowing the end gives us a sense of control. If we know how a situation will conclude or what awaits us at the end of a particular journey; we convince ourselves that we’re more prepared and can handle things better, more appropriately. It would be nice to go into the interview already knowing whether you have the job or not. Or even knowing if that new love interest is the one or not. I’m convinced that no matter what; part of what we’re supposed to get out of our journeys is the experience, right?

Sure, expectant parents are overjoyed when they chose to find out the gender of their unborn child, but guess what... that just checks the box for what type of clothes to buy and how to decorate the room! There’s sooooo much more to the story. I’m in that category of those who sometimes get anxious about the final results or the resolution. But I’m finding more comfort in not needing to know what the end is, but just that it’s going to be better!!!

Lately, whether by choice or circumstance; I’m appreciating and understanding what Ecclesiastes 7:8 says in that…

The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride

Think about it for a second.... Makes a lot of sense don’t you think🤔?

Tammy Barnett