Not your PUSH but your POSITION

One of my favorite songs has a verse that says “The power is not in your push, it’s in your position...” And no matter how many times I listen to the song while singing along at that particular part; God always reminds me of the many times I’ve insisted on PUSHING when all I honestly needed to do was rest in my POSITION.

Those memories include experiences when I’ve...

Pushed for the opportunity

Pushed for the recognition

Pushed for the decision or outcome I desired

So, imagine the peace I now regularly enjoy knowing that He’s...

Positioned me for always being in the right place at the right time

Positioned me to be acknowledged when HE will get the Glory and hide me when I think it’s all about me

Positioned me to align my desires with His Will, so the results are always for my good

You see pushing requires a level of effort from us that will often render what we want, but that’s not guaranteed.
However, when I read 2 Chronicles 20:17 - 

You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you...
— 2 Chronicles 20:17

...There’s no wavering, second-guessing, or uncertainty—-I understand His Word clearly——I won’t have to or need to push. All I’m responsible for is BEING and REMAINING in position!!

And while it hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do, as I grow in Him, it’s becoming the ONLY THING TO DO!