Stepping Away from Noise

A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes a disturbance. 

Above is the basic, textbook definition of noise. 

Ignoring and blocking this particular sound sometimes works when it becomes annoying. Avoidance all together is great, when you have advance notice. But what about when you can’t opt for another route but have to move right through it?

Or what about when the “noises” of life become so deafening that you can’t hear or focus on anything else but it’s sound?

I can imagine that on any given day, our noise sounds like a work deadline, the needs of family members, the bills on the kitchen counter, or even that mental chatter in our head that keeps reminding us that we’ve fallen short in some area of our lives. 

No matter what tool or technique you employ, find what works best for you to sometimes step away from the noise, to clear your head and press reset! No, it doesn’t mean that the issue disappears or miraculously gets resolved—It means that you recognize that some noise requires us to do more than just put on headphones.

I walk, jog, eat, shop, read, and a number of other things, to deal with my noise. But I’m most at peace when I remind myself that He never intended for me to be consumed with daily troubles (noise) and that He is never surprised by what comes my way. He has already figured it out for my good and that He is always protecting me. 

Psalm 27:5 says it best-

For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.
— Psalm 27:5 NLT