For Free?!

By our beautiful guest writer Tori Andrews💓 Now, before we jump in, I want to give a little disclaimer: I am not minimizing anyone’s life experiences and the hardships we all go through — some, we’re able to get up, dust off, and may come out with only a little bruise; others, are downright TRASH (Can I say that? Haha!) and we may still be reeling from the aftermath.

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We Can't Do It On Our Own

As much as we like to think about how much we love our families, our friends, and maybe even our careers, that love is only so strong in our own individual capacities. While this love may feel easy or like it comes naturally to us, true love can only be experienced with God’s help. In our own human capacities, unfortunately, there are so many things that naturally get in the way of love

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Begin Again

I’ve started a plan for drinking at least half my body weight in water per day at least six times in the past three months. I’ve been committing to working out for 45 mins no less than three times a week for the past year. I have a stack of books on my desk that were all purchased as part of my “I’m going to read at least one book a month” challenge.

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Taste and See

It’s hard for me to hear these few words from Psalm 34:8, without hearing the song of the same title playing in my head. My children’s choir from back in the day would have the entire church on their feet when we sang this🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

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Let go!

We hear it all the time in church, Bible studies, and some of our favorite songs—We need to “Let Go and Let God!!!” The understanding is that once we release to God, the issue in our lives that plague us, He will take it from there. He will correct the wrong, heal the ailment or bring about whatever change is necessary to free us from the burden of holding on to it and trying to figure it out all on our own.

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Tammy Barnett