Posts tagged trust god
For Free?!

By our beautiful guest writer Tori Andrews💓 Now, before we jump in, I want to give a little disclaimer: I am not minimizing anyone’s life experiences and the hardships we all go through — some, we’re able to get up, dust off, and may come out with only a little bruise; others, are downright TRASH (Can I say that? Haha!) and we may still be reeling from the aftermath.

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Taste and See

It’s hard for me to hear these few words from Psalm 34:8, without hearing the song of the same title playing in my head. My children’s choir from back in the day would have the entire church on their feet when we sang this🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

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Red Flags

Hey y’all! Tori here.
I used to work as a Counselor at a domestic violence agency when I lived in Philadelphia a little over a year ago (shout out Domestic Abuse Project of DelCo (DAP)!) Being my first job after earning my Master’s Degree, I was blessed to say that I really enjoyed my job and beyond that, I loved my clients even more. I always tell my clients that I learn much more from them than they will probably ever learn from me.

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Inside Job

Definition of inside job: done by or with the help of someone in a position within an organization or group.

More than I care to share, I’ve found myself in situations where I wish I had responded differently. Situations that may or may not have been avoidable, but resulted in not the best version of me showing up.

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