In the meantime..

My Pastor’s sermon this past Sunday reminded me of how important my attitude, approach and behavior is “in the meantime”....

You know what I’m talking about right? That period between: 

*Starting the job at entry level and then being promoted to the position you REALLY wanted all along.


*Getting on the scale and seeing a number you thought you’d never get to and then buying a few new pairs of jeans because the old ones are too big. 

Or maybe your “in the meantime” looks a little different...Maybe you’re currently believing God for a physical healing, a restored relationship or simply some guidance with regard to a big decision...

It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, it matters how you posture yourself during it...

I’ve learned through a lifetime of trial and error that angst, discouragement and worry do me no good. But, if I focus on my peace, belief and faith; my “in the meantime” doesn’t seem as long anymore....And even when it does still feel longer than I’d like, my confidence is placed in knowing that my steps are being ordered in just the right timing.

In their hearts humans plan their course,

    but the Lord establishes their steps.

- Proverbs 16:9

New International Version