His Strength Is Perfect

Would you agree that when we hear of someone being tired or experience feeling tired ourselves, it more times than not is considered negative?

Like just-finished-a-long-day-at-work tired or feeling tired of being the one always asked to do a particular task. In these cases, it’s just weary, worn out and fed up. 

I can recall different periods or seasons in my life when I relied on my own strength to move beyond the fatigue of my day-to-day responsibilities. I exercised, juiced, detoxed, took vitamins that guaranteed energy for days, and even snuck in a few midday naps here and there. But, it never seemed to be enough. Exhaustion became the norm and I grew to get used to it.

 I’m a little older now and learned the body does what the body does. Period!! I still continue many of those healthy practices mentioned, but I understand their limits. 

Yet, here’s the funny part. At a season in life where others tend to slow down, I’ve found myself with a calendar as full as it was when my children’s activities, work and managing our household, consumed just about every time slot. Now, I’m writing more, still volunteering wherever and whenever I can, traveling and committing at least three days a week to my grand angel💕

— But the kicker is I no longer experience the fatigue and weariness I once did. And there’s no magic drink or pill. I’ve simply learned to ask for and accept God’s strength. We don’t think twice about this when we’re met with life’s challenges... How about doing so when we simply want to enjoy His gifts and rewards!!!

I’ve found His strength to be perfect, not just when I’m tired of doing what I have to, but energized for all the things I want to do✨🤩

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me..png