For Free?!

By our beautiful guest writer Tori Andrews💓

Now, before we jump in, I want to give a little disclaimer: I am not minimizing anyone’s life experiences and the hardships we all go through — some, we’re able to get up, dust off, and may come out with only a little bruise; others, are downright TRASH (Can I say that? Haha!) and we may still be reeling from the aftermath. I get it! But what if there are some things that God wants to give to us or that are rightfully ours that we never obtain or struggle to obtain because we don’t really believe He wants it for us?

God calls us loved, chosen, forgiven, free, healed, and victorious, just to name a few. So what am I saying? I’m saying that there are many blessings that God gives to us freely — whether it be because He already paid for it thousands of years ago and/or because we have chosen to live for Him — that we do not have to work that hard for. It could be a matter of reminding God of what He’s already said, or maybe it’s just a matter of beginning to walk in what you already have. Either way, I’m often challenged (and challenge you) to consider what situations I might be making harder on myself because I am not believing what God has already said about me or trusting that whatever it is, is really what He wants for me.

And just to be clear, God is not some genie that exists to give us everything we ask for when we ask for it. God’s goodness is not contingent upon whatever season of life we are in. Suffering and difficulties will come, much of which we will never fully understand. But, I wonder how many blessings God wants to give us and how much more abundant our lives could be if we really trusted that which He freely provides.

24 ‘May the Lord bless you and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favor and give you His peace.’

Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)
