Think On These Things

I’m currently reading two books and in the last week, both books have referenced Philippians 4:8. So when I sat down to write this week’s edition of Perfectly Unwrapping, it was fairly easy to narrow in on what God has been speaking to me these last few days... 

How regularly we can find ourselves immersed in such things that are neither true, noble, right, pure, etc... And we don’t have to go very far, so I won’t spend time listing examples- We can all do without the reminders. But how quickly we rush past those experiences, people or things that bring truth to Philippians 4:8-

 Just in the past few days, I have had two girlfriends share their unexpected pregnancies (Congrats again MN & RB), a colleague launch her counseling career and lastly, be a part of seeing a young man take responsibility for some wrong choices made in the past and make the necessary changes to positively move forward. All examples, in real time of things that are lovely, admirable, and noble. 

And I assure you, when each of these were shared with me, I spent more time than I normally would just thinking....thinking... And not just brief thoughts, but quality time was spent thinking about how all the players in my examples were experiencing these events. While none directly effected me, they were all praiseworthy and thinking on them made a difference in the rest of my day.

Do you have thinking moments like these? When's the last time you experienced something so praiseworthy that you just sat there and thought?