Making Peace

Becoming resolved or reconciled is how one makes peace. And quite frankly, this may include no special mention of who was right. And even less attention (as difficult as it often is) on who was wrong. 

Isn’t it funny though that who or what was right or wrong are usually at the center of the conflict to begin with, but to reach peace; neither is as important as it originally felt? 

I’ve personally found myself on both sides: In some cases, feeling that I was right with no regard for who didn’t agree.... And in other cases, when I was wrong and didn’t have the maturity to admit it. Lessons were learned from both. 

Reaching a place of peace requires looking beyond the incident and managing solutions that can be supported by all involved. Perhaps you can’t correct every wrong or get credit for winning when it was clear (at least to you🙃) that you were right! But what you can do is make a commitment and decision, to move closer to a place of peace. 

Everyone wins then...

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.

Romans 12:18