Holiday Season Mental Health Tips: Boundaries Edition

By guest writer Tori Andrews

Hi Friends!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! I'm switching it up a little bit on the blog today and figured I would share some quick tips for the holiday season! This time of year can bring up a lot of complex emotions for many of us, and I'm hoping that some of these tips can help make this holiday season a little more enjoyable for yourself and your loved ones!

When preparing to be around family (especially family that we may not see on a regular basis), it can be especially important to know what your boundaries are and to be comfortable with them. So, here are a few of my quick tips on boundaries:

  • healthy boundaries are not mean, they are necessary

  • the only way others will know what your boundaries are is by communicating them

  • lack of communication around your boundaries is a form of self-sabotage

  • not respecting other peoples' boundaries is harmful

  • if the thought of boundaries makes you uncomfortable, kindly reflect on why this may be the case (i.e., believing your feelings do not matter, fear of how others may view you, difficulty respecting others' boundaries, etc.)

Boundaries are a toughy for many of us for a multitude of reasons. That's okay! What is important is that you know that it is okay to have them and that the healthiest relationships have clear boundaries by all parties involved. Please also note that the above is referencing healthy boundaries, which allow us to both feel safe AND still engage in interpersonal relationships. Boundaries are not meant to be an excuse to perpetuate your own unhealthy patterns. As always, be kind to yourself as you sort out what does and does not work for you, and also be open to learning something new along the way!

Extra love and hugs this season,


Tammy Barnett