Posts tagged relationships
We Can't Do It On Our Own

As much as we like to think about how much we love our families, our friends, and maybe even our careers, that love is only so strong in our own individual capacities. While this love may feel easy or like it comes naturally to us, true love can only be experienced with God’s help. In our own human capacities, unfortunately, there are so many things that naturally get in the way of love

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Hey y’all! Tori here.
I used to work as a Counselor at a domestic violence agency when I lived in Philadelphia a little over a year ago (shout out Domestic Abuse Project of DelCo (DAP)!) Being my first job after earning my Master’s Degree, I was blessed to say that I really enjoyed my job and beyond that, I loved my clients even more. I always tell my clients that I learn much more from them than they will probably ever learn from me.

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