Posts tagged family love
Having No Fear.

When asked to write as a guest for Perfectly Unwrapping this week on “Having No Fear”, I was honored to share as I have experienced, at some point, fear in variety of ways.

We may have heard, quoted, and even read in various places “Faith over Fear”, or possibly “Let your Faith be bigger than your Fear”. And even though we know that the opposite of faith is fear, if we were to be truly honest sometimes fear may have won the fight against the two during trials in our lives….

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No Fear Here!

As of July 2nd, we officially reached the halfway mark of 2022. And I’m wondering if I’m the only person who has thought “Where has the year gone, and how do I get done everything I intended for 2022?”

Most of 2021 for me, was spent in that weird space of trying to determine what of the previous year was real, was permanent, and how I, along with all those around me, we’re going to adapt to our new sense of normalcy.

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We Can't Do It On Our Own

As much as we like to think about how much we love our families, our friends, and maybe even our careers, that love is only so strong in our own individual capacities. While this love may feel easy or like it comes naturally to us, true love can only be experienced with God’s help. In our own human capacities, unfortunately, there are so many things that naturally get in the way of love

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