Preparing For Your Next ...

From time to time when I take the chance to slow down, I regularly find myself reflecting on the idea that it seems as though I’m always preparing for the next _

(I’d fill in the blank with a project or deadline, but you add whatever your “next” is).

And the start of August didn’t make it any better (in preparation for our goodbyes to summer), as I’m sure it’s not just me, but whether you’re preparing for back to school for the children, crunching final quarter financials for the office, or just simply taking note of the approaching change of season for us fortunate ones that live in areas where that matters; there’s a shared sense of getting ready and preparing for something. 

Accordingly, the path to preparing (whatever it may be) for some of you may mean getting things in order first, then evaluating or throwing out the old and making room for the new. However you move about, we all have our unique way(s) that we tend to get in prepare mode. 

But while our ways and styles of getting there may come in various patterns, I love that there is one thing that is consistent…When one has, and is, accurately prepared; there is confidence and assurance that is felt internally, and expressed externally. When I’ve fully prepared for a particular situation, environment or circumstance, I feel like I have the secret that everyone else is waiting for me to reveal, even when it’s not necessarily that! 

So to all of you women out there currently reading, no matter what your next is, or what you’re currently moving towards (because I know there’s something), prepare to do it with the conviction that once you arrive; it will have been worth everyone’s wait.

Proverbs 31:25

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”