No Fear.

When asked to write on the topic of having no fear, I chuckled because it was the very thing that I had purposed to confront that week in therapy. It occurred to me that most of my debilitating procrastination was actually rooted in a successfully disguised spirit of fear.

It’s all been a big cover-up!

You see, my goal is to always operate in a spirit of excellence, but in a perverted state that evolved into perfectionism which actually disguised the spirit of fear and when I reduced these things down to their lowest terms, I discovered that it was a fear of failure.

A fear of not being good enough, a fear of putting effort into something that will not guarantee me a successful outcome caused my procrastination, but if I look at it in contrast, if a murderer were to jump out and try to annihilate me I would take off running to save my life even though I was afraid. So the question is, why is it that I cannot jump out into the things of God?

The Bible says over 365 times to fear not, and yet every single day we are confronted with the challenge of overcoming fear. Sometimes we don't ask the questions we really need to because we are afraid of the answer. We don't step out into love because we are fearful of rejection. We don't have the faith of God because we're fearful that we didn't hear Him properly, and we don't want to be misled. Maybe it's the start we're afraid of...maybe it's the stop. One thing I'm certain of is this, there is no good thing that comes from the spirit of fear. It torments you and every day that you don't do what God has called you to do, you are troubled by the very thing that He's placed inside of you.

Our destiny hovers over us, just like the Holy Spirit did over the Earth when God created it, waiting to fulfill what God has decreed should come to pass over our lives. Today, I'm making a commitment to move without fear. There is no mistake that grace cannot cover. If I slip and fall, God has more than enough love to pick me up and help me. If I call out to him, He will answer. When I need help, He's put people around me to support me. I know that to be true for you, too! We don't have a legitimate reason to have fear because…

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

What is love? God is! You got The Creator walking with you! (Insert Sistah~girl attitude here.) Of whom or WHAT should you be afraid? Period!

Educator, Freedom Champion, Sister...Friend! Ms. LaToya Pitts, M.Ed.