No, You First!

A few years back, I made the transition from a 15-year corporate career to a freelance career, and during that time, a friend gave me the “you first” advice.

I’ll admit, the fast-paced life in an agency had become my comfort zone and I had grown numb to the high expectations, tight deadlines, and 60+ hour work weeks… but to be honest, I had daydreamed a time or two about a change of pace – and the time was now.

Around that time, a friend shared some advice: to put yourself and your family first and that everything else would fall into place.  While it was scary to leave a professional career I had known for so long, a shift in my mindset had me excited and eager to head in a new direction for myself!

Here are a few words of encouragement I often remind myself of (and am sharing with you!):

1.       Focus on what’s most important. For me, it was time, flexibility and family, and I knew I had to get creative in aligning those things with what I wanted professionally.

2.       Encourage others. I didn’t realize how much the act of encouraging others actually encouraged me. I have had “say that in the mirror” moments.

3.       Don’t underestimate the power of relationships. We were meant to have our people! Find friends and colleagues who build you up and value you and hang on to them tight! You never know where these will lead.

4.       Take compliments. Not only does it feel good to feel valued and appreciated, but it shines light on your gifts and talents and may even surprise you one day to learn what others truly see in you and then lean into them because they may help discern your new direction. (Oh, and remember to give them out every day, too!)

5.       Find blessings. These are much easier to find in your personal life, but they definitely exist professionally, too! Times can be great or they can be hard, but always look for the silver lining.

6.       Empathize more often. We’ve all been through life changes and challenging times and you never know when it’s going to be yours – or someone else’s – turn. Show grace and compassion always.

I hope these tips help you prepare for what’s next for you! What are your pie-in-the-sky dreams? Think about how you can put “you first” as you refocus your priorities and get creative for what’s next because you are worth it!

About Ann-Marie:

·       17-year PR/Communications pro

·       Florida-based Nashville native

·       Mom of two boys, football wife

·       Can’t drive without the sound of my kids’ voices or music

·       Love hearing others’ stories

·       Beach lover