Breathe, You're Doing Okay

By guest writer Jessica Hollowell

Hi! I am Jessica Hollowell. I am a full-time Financial Administrator for a virtual accounting agency and I’m also a small business owner, JessYourDoor. Those roles are how a create a living. My reasons for living are my wonderful husband of 8 years and our two boys, Tommy and Kingston.

Success and what that means to me, without overthinking this…right?! Success is ever-changing. What I saw as success in my 20s looks completely different today. I’ll be forty this year and sometimes success looks like just getting out of bed. I am OKAY with that. Sometimes it’s not about the everyday grit and grind anymore. Sometimes it’s taking a breath and asking how I’m doing. I went from measuring my success from a weekly/monthly goal, to looking at my daily to-do list and seeing all that I checked off. I celebrate the small things now and I am grateful for the things I still get to do!

In short: Success is my family, my mind body and spirit, my career, and friends. So daily I re-calibrate to see where I need to put my energy towards and being okay with the short comings. At the end of the day if I have left this world a little bit better than I found it, I am fulfilled.

Love always,