What Is Success

By guest writer Kecia Jones

When given the assignment as the Guest Writer for this week’s Perfectly Unwrapping to share what success as the Female Boss of K’LeChan Luxury Consignment and Resale Boutique means to me, I was a little nervous and anxious. But, I immediately heard the Lord say “Kecia, you can do this."

I would like to start by saying what Success is not - “Perfection".

My thoughts and ideas have always been that in order to be successful, everything needs to be neatly arranged, or that all your ducks must all be in a row. This is simply not true. Success for me has been the following... a Decision that Yes I can do this, and begin moving beyond my fear. As I embark upon 6 successful years of business the following have been the key essentials to establishing a foundation of continued “Good Success”.

Faith, Passion, Motivation and Growth are the strategies that have positioned me to elevate and expand to the next level of success in business. My Faith ignited my Passion, which pushed me beyond my fear and apprehension, and challenged me to grow and to succeed beyond my comfort level. I was willing to move afraid, because failure was not an option.

Meet guest writer Kecia Jones:
I am Kecia Le Chan Jones who gets to celebrate my birthday every year on New Year’s Eve. I have the pleasure of being married to my high school sweetheart Clarence Jones for 30 years. I am Blessed to have two amazing Children Brianna and Taiwan, and two beautiful grand babies Jaeden and Leilani. My favorite past time is shopping.