Mental Health Tip: You Define "Success"

By guest writer Tori Andrews

Hi Ladies!!

Dropping in during this month's theme of "Summer of Success" with another quick mental health tip around the idea of "success" and how we view it!

One of my favorite things that I learned in grad school and still make integral in the therapeutic relationship with my clients today is the idea of reframing and rewriting the stories we tell ourselves about various events, people, and issues in our lives. Sometimes clients will ask me directly what my thoughts are on a certain issue or how I would handle or process something. My response to them always includes the idea that it is less important how I view something and more important to realize how they view and process whatever it is themselves.

When it comes to success, it goes without saying that it looks different for everyone. What is most important when thinking about our own success is making sure we are clear on how we define success for ourselves (not based on others' ideas) and the stories we rehearse in our minds about that success. So, ask yourself, what does success mean to me? Does that definition include the thoughts and opinions of others? If so, is it helping me or harming me?

It is a natural human instinct to want approval of those around us, especially those that we love, but let's make sure that we are not doing so in a way that diminishes accomplishments that we are proud of ourselves for.

Love + hugs,

Tammy Barnett