Success To Me Is...

By guest writer Angela Lambert

When asked to be a guest writer for the topic of success, I couldn’t help but wonder why. I don’t own a home and my car has seen better days. And we’re not going to even get into my career or lack thereof.  So why would anyone (in particular, my big sis Tammy) want me to talk about success, right?

It can be difficult to feel like your accomplishments are not enough especially when you are surrounded by so many “successful” people. We often define our vision by the achievements of others, but do we ever sit back and think “maybe their route is not what He chose for me”?

My family is the best, but I’m going to focus on my amazing sisters for a sec. I am sandwiched between my oldest sister and my youngest sister. Both loved school and continued their education well past the normal stop, knowing what they wanted to be in life. That is not my story... I made it to college, stayed for a year, and decided it was not for me at that time.  Since then, I have struggled with considering anything I complete as something great or worth sharing with the world. But here is what makes my sisters special…they never make me feel as if my accomplishments do not matter or that they mean anything less than theirs. As a matter of fact, they treat my greatest accomplishment, who I perfectly named Phoenix, like their own (actually, my entire family does!) 

Maybe the successful people in our circles are there to offer support, regardless of status, to push us to be better. Or to help us refrain from measuring our successes by the accomplishments of others, which will allow us to see just how far we can go.

Keep God first and pray for guidance daily. We may not have reached our destination, but as long as He breathes life into us, make the best of every moment and become the success dreams are made of.  

Proverbs 16:3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. 

Meet guest writer Angela Lambert:
Angela “Bink” Lambert has worked as an Executive Liaison at Macy’s Credit & Customer Service for almost 13 years.  In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Tammy Barnett