Preparing For My Next...

Preparing for Your Next

From the perspective of a chronic Procrastinator …

I must admit feeling a bit ill-equipped to write PREPARING for Your Next when those

who know and love me, know that I can be such a procrastinator. One reason I never

properly PREPARED was fear of not seeing my plans materialize (self-sabotage). I had

allowed myself to believe that I didn’t deserve to experience the good things in life

because in my eyes, my life was such a mess, so why plan for or expect them.

However, as the saying goes, “time brings about a change”, in my case, God’s love,

time and life issues have brought about a change that now causes me to be more

intentional as it relates to PREPARING.

I now find myself living alone for the first time in my life, my three children are all grown

with their own families, and my dear parents are now in Heaven. I am thankful for my

close circle of family and dear friends who have shown me love and support on this new

journey. I don’t know what my NEXT looks like, but my expectation has been raised

and I do know that it will be filled with GREAT things, I am PREPARING myself to be in

position to seize every God sent opportunity, that presents itself. I know that ALL things

are working for my GOOD, because HE knows the plans and thoughts HE has for me,

plans for peace and well-being.

I am God’s Girl, KLee.

Grateful, Thankful and Abundantly Blessed!

Kimberly Lee takes great pride in being the mother of three amazing adults, Angela,

Michael, and Bryan, two daughters-in-love, Valencia & Tyla, proud grandmother of 13

beautiful grandchildren, sister, auntie, niece, and cousin to many.

She is an administrative professional of 40+ years, a licensed minister, owner of

LifeWorks Administrative & Professional Services

KLee enjoys cooking for and spending time with family & close friends, ministry work,

and football.