Having No Fear.

When asked to write as a guest for Perfectly Unwrapping this week on “Having No Fear,”

I was honored to share as I have experienced, at some point, fear in variety of ways. 

We may have heard, quoted, and even read in various places “Faith over Fear”, or possibly “Let your Faith be bigger than your Fear”. And even though we know that the opposite of faith is fear, if we were to be truly honest sometimes fear may have won the fight against the two during trials in our lives….Like when we are faced with decisions, uncertainties, and just the unknown which may cause so many  challenging emotions. What has helped me in those moments that can often lead to fear is the reminder to speak declarations and affirmations into my situation.  

YOU GOT THIS” is not simply a catchy phrase, but the building of confidence and faith as well. 

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil 4:13) will carry you into your present assignment, not to mention your destiny. I have recently taken a leap of faith by accepting a promotion within the field of Healthcare Administration. I have worked in healthcare for over 15 years and I wouldn’t have survived being fearful. 

I am reminded of one of my favorite parables with Jesus and the disciples on the ship. There were heavy winds and big waves, and the disciples did what most would have done….they went to Jesus, asking him to save them as they believed they were going to perish.

Jesus’ response was to question why they were fearful and had such little little faith. He rebuked the winds and sea and brought calmness to the ship. The takeaway here: When fear tries to creep in, trust God to bring calmness and walk in faith with your declarations. Having NO fear wins!