Blossoming, More or Less

By guest writer Tori Andrews

At the beginning of every year, I choose a word to live by for the year and this year, my word was “rest”. I’m beginning to shift the focus of relationships in my life away from quantity and more towards quality. I’ve set more boundaries in the past several months than I ever have in my life. I’ve been more honest with my capacity to complete tasks or meet expectations others have of me. I’m getting more comfortable with saying ‘no’ or ‘not right now’.  I’m even learning to apologize less when I don’t respond to text messages right away, and leaning more into not always being “on”.

With this month‘s theme of “Blossoming into More”, it’s important to note that sometimes becoming more involves doing less. Feeling the pressure of “being” less often. Cutting back. Being okay with not having any plans and blank spaces on your calendar. In a society that tells us to constantly do, to always be ready, and to continuously strive to be, I’m here to tell you that it is okay to be none of those things sometimes. It’s okay to take breaks and reevaluate. It’s acceptable to resist the pressure to spread yourself thin and do all the things, all the time. It’s healthy to have energy “leftover” at the end of the day.

Blossoming into more, for me, has meant not tying my worth to what or how much I’m doing. It has meant resting in the fact that I have all that I need in this moment, and that whatever I feel I may need, God will supply at the right time. It has meant listening to my body (sometimes our bodies pick up and hold on to things better than our minds do). And I’m trusting that whatever blossoms from this, lacks absolutely nothing. Here’s to being ever blossoming!

Love + hugs, 