Getting to Yes

As a child, I can recall things that were asked of me by my parents that didn’t always get an immediate yes (at least not in their presence). Like most of us discover once we have children of our own, our childhoods could have been significantly easier in some cases if we had simply responded with a quick yes and done what we were asked.

When I think back on some of those “not so quick” yes responses I bargained with as a child, all I can do is laugh on the inside when I’m reminded of the same that I have received from my own children. As I’ve gotten a bit older and matured in ALL areas of my life (well sort of😌), I’ve tried to get to YES a little quicker when I feel God tugging on me. 

It’s hard sometimes though, right? Especially when what He’s put before us seems so far beyond our reach, or to be totally honest, not something that we really want to do... Flashbacks to “Tammy, can you clean the kitchen right after dinner, not later when you REALLY won’t feel like it?” or “Todd (my son) can you take the trash out tonight instead of planning to get up early tomorrow morning?" Of course the kitchen was never as clean as my mother would have liked because, my phone privileges ended at 9pm and I was always in a race with time to get as much talk time as I could. As for Todd... well he often served up comic relief for our garbage men and neighbors, who never ceased to find how amusing it was to watch him chase after the trash truck to the next block because he hadn’t put our bags out in time.

Admittedly, I’m not quite where Noah was when told to prepare the ark, nor where Abraham was when given instructions for Isaac, but I am much closer to getting to Yes with God more than I’ve ever been before. 

I’ve seen Him move too many times, change too many outcomes, and exceed my expectations beyond measure. And each time He’s done so, it makes my next YES, just a bit quicker and a whole lot easier.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Isaiah 6:8 ESV 

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.
And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 

2 Corinthians 1:20
New International Version