Show Not Just Tell

Many times when life happens in the form of a loss, one of the things that’s often expressed from loved ones is “Let me know if you need me” or “If there’s anything I can do, I’m here”. And for the most part, I’ve found these sentiments of love to be well intentioned. When we find out that those closest to us are grieving a loss or facing some sort of challenging circumstance, it’s not uncommon for the natural response to be one of assurance that we are there, by their side and willing to help, because we love them and are always a shoulder to lean on. 

But just for a moment, I want you to think back on a time in your life when you lost someone close to you. Or maybe you yourself received some devastating news from a doctor, a boss, or family member that had an immediate impact on you personally. Most of us are overcome with feelings of despair when life happens like this... There are usually questions, ideas, or thoughts that swirl in our heads about why, how, and what’s next. Often what is needed is help and comfort, but that may be hard to articulate in that moment when someone offers their support. 

1 Corinthians 16:14 instructs us to “Do everything in love” and love, as we know, is an action. Maybe it’s a meal, assisting with the care of smaller children or elderly parents in the house, or simply a note of encouragement. There can be any number of ways to act out our love. I encourage you think about this the next time you find yourself in a position where someone close to you is hurting. 

What a wonderful opportunity to show better than you can tell.