What’s Your “RE”?

Do the words refreshreflectredoresetreimagine, or readjust sound vaguely familiar, or strike a chord of commonality? 

Since the onset of COVID-19 and quarantining, chances are you have either read an article, logged into a virtual discussion, or caught a glimpse of something on social media or the television that has used one or more of these words in its title or content. As such, there’s usually well-intended encouragement that we use the extra time many of us have found ourselves with, and “re” some area of our lives.

In other words, doing again or going back over something until you find completeness or satisfaction in the repetition. Being isolated from those we typically spend time with and not being able to do a number of things that fill up our daily schedules has given us an opportunity to, in many cases-RE-EVALUATE (I saved that “re” to make my point :-).

For the first time in a long time, we’ve been able to sit back and truly take a look at how, why, and what we do. As I’ve done this, the answers to my hows, whys, and whats have in a few cases left me with more questions- However, more times than not, I was able to recognize that there were some spaces in my life that were being occupied by more negativity than I would have expected. And no matter how much I thought I was actively surrounding myself with positivity and good intentions, I occasionally found myself wondering how I had gotten to certain points. As opposed to beating myself up with regret in these few cases, I thanked God for the revelation. I went to my arsenal and pulled out some of His Word that keeps me grounded.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
— Romans 15:13

There’s no better way to refresh, reflect, redo, reset, reimagine, or readjust!!!