Old Into The New

I read somewhere recently that you can’t get new results with old behaviors. Similarly, another favorite cliche of mine is the ever so popular “definition of insanity” which states that you can’t do the same things over and over again, but expect different results. Both essentially speak to what I would consider to be quite a clear theme: If we want new, improved and innovative things to happen; we must commit to embracing a new, improved and innovative mindset to get there!!

Far too often, we refrain from adjusting our mindset for a variety of reasons:

  • we think our old way still works,

  • we’re overly concerned with how we believe others will perceive our new approach to things, or

  • we’re simply afraid that launching into something new won’t work as we expect.

If any of this rings true to you, join the club... I’ve personally been a card holding member for quite some time now! And I can check each one of those boxes for reasons why my mindset didn’t adapt as quickly and/or efficiently as it should have, but that’s when I rely on a source much more powerful than myself.


And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.
— Mark 2:22 (NIV Translation) 

There’s something about the revealed word of God that puts things into perspective. Rather comforting to know that as old as The Bible is, even way back then, individuals were guilty of struggling with the concept of fitting the new into the old. I’m taking steps even today to reflect on how I can do better in this area of my life. 

We recently purchased a new home, so as each new delivery arrives on our front porch, and my failed attempts at grabbing/storing them before my husbands sees them increases; I’ve expressed to him that my shopping is biblical and that Mark 2:22 encourages these purchases... I’m not sure his interpretation is the same as mine.