Fasting and praying as a counseling session

Kind of a weird title at first glance, right? But more than fitting, as I thought about a recent conversation with a close friend. 

Now keep in mind that this particular style of conversation was similar to many that I have with friends, family, etc. They usually start with a comfortable, rather normal exchange of what’s going on with each other, and then morphs into... ”So the issue that I’m (substitute “my husband”, “my wife”, “my child”, “my friend”, “my parent”, place of I’m) having is that - - -“

And I could fill in those blanks with a myriad of things. Just take any life situation, obstacle, and or setback and the statement is complete. Like clockwork, I believe most of us follow a pretty standard process:

  1. Life happens

  2. Issues arise 

  3. We reach out to those we trust, love, and value

  4. We give them the details 

  5. They give us their opinions-They’re version of the resolution. 

But this time, my friend was expressing how her daughter had tried it all. Read the appropriate books, made concessions with other parties involved in her conflict, and had even sought Godly counsel. None of which seemed to solve the whole problem or give her peace with her current circumstances. She finally found herself tapped out of trying to figure it out. She decided to put all the strength and trust she had left into God’s Word, as it is revealed in Ezra 8:23, The Message translation: 

So we fasted and prayed about these concerns. And he listened.

I’m certain all her other previous options may have been helpful. But her mother shared with me that it was only when she had committed herself to a period of sacrifice and spending time in prayer, that God began to move on her behalf.

One of my heart’s passions is to offer guidance and counsel from a perspective with emphasizes Christian values. But I’m quick to share with those seeking my counsel that sometimes a session isn’t what’s needed at all. Sometimes we just all need to commit to fasting, praying, and turning it all over to Him.

He promises to listen!!!