Letting Go While Holding On

Almost immediately after reading the title, you think of how much contradiction there is in such a statement...Clearly an oxymoron, right? But is it????

Think about it for a moment. I’ll use a rather basic example first, then move on to one of more substance. I am not the most skilled swimmer. In fact, I often admit that I’m much more committed to not drowning while in a large body of water, rather than actually swimming. And when I’m with my husband, there’s a good chance that my arms and legs are wrapped securely around his neck and torso with me holding on tightly, expecting him to swim, as though he doesn’t have a whole other body to keep afloat. I’m holding on to him, while at the same time letting go of all control while in the water!

It’s really quite the same concept used in our relationship with God. And as our maturity in Him increases, such is the case with our holding on and letting go. You see, as I hold on to my FAITH, TRUST & LOVE that is found in Him; I let go of disbelief, distrust, and hate. Psalm 91: 14-15 (The Message Translation) promises this: 

If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God, “I’ll get you out of any trouble. I’ll give you the best of care if you’ll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times; I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party. 

If all of that is what I get from holding on to God, I’ll wrap myself securely around Him and trust that He’ll do the rest!!!