Our good vs. HIS GREAT

....he or she cannot achieve what only divine sovereignty can accomplish
— Dr. Tony Evans (Pastor, Speaker & Author)

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been on your faith walk for a few days or a few decades; at some point, you come face to face with just how powerful God is! I intentionally use the span of days to decades because, for some, a “life happens” moment can occur in a split second, i.e. you’re just one car away from being in a fatal accident or you get the job that was guaranteed to another applicant, but you said just the right thing at just the right time to impress the interviewer. And in either of those two examples, you may find yourself being the benefactor but not at THAT time, having a committed relationship with God, but fully aware that there was something/someone greater than you at work.

Then there are those that have been “walking with Him” for quite a while. And every now and then, they take a moment to think back over their lives and recall the times that it could have been them, but it wasn’t or shouldn’t have been them, but it was!! Ohhhhh, what a grateful feeling that is (you can tell that I’m speaking from personal experience, can’t you?)

For a moment, we may have fleeting thoughts that it was because of our wonderfulness or admirableness that we landed where we did. I hope we only stay there for just that moment though or better yet, that second before we realize that none of what we think about our own abilities compared to what God’s DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY can accomplish.

I like to think that through much trial and error, the goodness that I’ve managed to acquire may GET me there, but His greatness KEEPS me there!

I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted
— Job 42:2 NIV