Surviving but not thriving...

 I feel as though in the past 2-3 weeks, I’ve heard the term “surviving, but not thriving” used more than I can recall. From one of the books I’m currently reading to a snippet extracted from my Pastor’s recent sermon, this idea of getting through but not growing or flourishing in the process is one that seems to be popping up often around me. 

      Call me silly, but I tend to take note when I feel like there’s a particular thought, notion or impression that repeatedly finds its way in my headspace over a short period of time. After I determine that it’s not due to my reading the exact same passage or listening to the exact same thing repeatedly (it happens🤷🏽‍♀️), I usually land on the conclusion that God Is trying to tell or reveal something to me.  

     So what I’ve concluded in this instance is that, contrary to what I may have believed, in some areas of my life, I’ve actually been maintaining and holding on, rather than prospering. And the odd thing for me is this: I know that surviving and thriving are two very different things, so why did I need reminding that I may have been getting off track? 

     As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become a quick learner in the ways of God, so I waste no time trying to figure things out—I just take heed. No more doing just enough to get by, keeping my head above water...I won’t stop until I’ve reached and touched what God has promised me!!! I will succeed, develop, and blossom in all the things I know God has labeled “Tammy’s.” 

     My desire is to walk in the brilliance of thriving.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
— Psalm 1:3