Bigger & Better

     When our children were much younger, they would occasionally ask for things that their Dad and I may have planned on giving them or allowing them to do, but just not at the time they asked. Those were easy enough for us to decide on, because in many cases, we had the advantage of knowing that our plans often involved bigger and better for them; just not as soon as they may have desired. 

Sound familiar anyone? 

     Sometimes we ask God for things that we don’t get right away and then when we do get them, we’re moved by how much more it means to us at THAT time. It’s as if He knew all along that His timing was better than ours. 

     I wish I could say that I don’t sometimes pout, though, when I don’t get whatever “it” is or things don’t happen in my timing, but I can’t... I’m still growing... But here’s where I’m really growing—-My pouting doesn’t last as long as it used to. I may sulk for a bit but then I’m quickly reminded that  Psalm 32:8 says

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you...

     So if I say I believe His Word, that means I have to understand that part of His instruction and teaching may include waiting. And let’s be honest, waiting never, ever feels good...But somehow if you can learn to be patient (and not pouty) in the waiting. the result seems to always be bigger and better.