Is it really just the thought that counts?

We’ve been programmed to think that “It’s the thought the counts." Right? But hmmmmmmm🤔?? Is it though??? 

I beg to differ!!!!

Now, if I were committed to being politically correct then I would certainly agree that being grateful for what someone has done in an effort to be kind, thoughtful, and considerate to another person, should never go unnoticed.

But here’s the thing...

What about those times when we don’t put much thought into our kind and/or generous gesture or gift? You know those times. I’m guessing we’ve all been there at some point. Those times when:

  • *It’s easier to just write a check

  • Signing your name on the card that’s being circulated is all you do

  • Instead of picking up the phone to call, you send a text

Does “It’s the thought that counts still apply” then? I know I’ve had times when I needed something other than a deposit in my account, more than just a particular individual’s name on the card and something other than a text that was sent while someone was doing something more important than calling at that point in time.

I can use all these examples because if I’m honest with myself. I’ve been guilty of doing them all... Not to mention being on the receiving side as well-

Perhaps if I could put my own spin on it, I would tweak it a bit and suggest that we“Put some thought into what counts.”

It’s easy to check a box and say that you did something, and for many; a check, signature, or text is truly thoughtful and the best they could do at the time. But for others (like myself), I’d take the challenge to dig a little deeper when we can and commit to going beyond just a thought...

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased
— (Hebrews 13:16)