“Just Do It” (Nike)....”Just Relax” (God)

For those of us that have children or were blessed with having healthy relationships with our own parents, I’m sure we can all relate to the ease with which a child asks things of their mother and/or father. I can recall when our son and daughter (now young adults) would come to us with requests that, in some cases, seemed far-reaching. And while these requests could range anywhere between a trip to the local ice cream store to a new dog, they asked with a certain measure of comfort and confidence that we would provide. Now, whether we were actually able to do or give them what they asked was of no concern to them. In their eyes, they had done their part—-And to be quite honest, most times, we did everything we could to make ice cream cones and puppies appear!!! Haven’t we all? 

I understand that many have experienced times as a child or parent when asking or giving were challenging based on circumstance... I've been there too. But even then, I think about how as a child you have no regard for how things are going to happen or what must take place for you to move through each day. We often foolishly just asked and/or recklessly still gave, right? Lol... That’s just how it works. 

Here lately, I’ve been more intentional about not overthinking and not being overwhelmed. And I simply refuse to live in fear of what’s next because like most children do, I go to THE Father regularly and leave with all the confidence in the world that HE is going to take care of things 🙏

Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
— Luke 12:32-AMP