In the Moment...

      I was spending some time with a family member some time ago, and while they were sharing what we both would consider to be some exciting news, I found myself drifting off a bit. Not because I had something more pressing to do or think about at the time, nor because I was disinterested by any means, rather quite the this was something that had the potential to have a great impact on the family member, and potentially, the entire family. 

     But for just a few moments, I was lightyears away from that present conversation. I had begun to play several scenarios in my head of how things could turn out, what the future may look like, etc. And while thinking along those lines has a purpose, this wasn’t the time for it.

     That family member needed me to be THERE...IN THE MOMENT!!! They wanted me to enjoy their good news and celebrate what God had done in their life. Somewhere between initially hearing the great news and responding, I was already mapping out details, which was stealing my presence from the moment.

     I’m certain my siblings and children, in particular, will read this and try to figure out if it was them
I’m referring to , but that’s not important (I promise!). Because trust me--I snapped out of my “let’s-make-sure-all-your-ducks-are-in-a-row-yada-yada-yada” mode quickly and rejoiced in that moment. 

     Isn’t it easy to miss being in the moment with so much going on right now? The uncertainty, the stress...

     But in my head what ultimately drew me back to the present was hearing

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it
— Psalm 118:24

...And so that’s what I did...I reminded myself to be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL for that day and was able to gladly REJOICE and celebrated being in THAT moment. Try it the next time you find yourself in a similar conversation, drifting off...It works