His "To-Do" List

So it doesn’t matter if you use some form of technology or good ole fashioned paper & pen, I’m guessing many of us manage our days/weeks/months with some sort of to-do list.

I actually use both, my notes section in my phone or tablet and then a notepad that never seems to have as many ☑️ next to items as I’d like. On my very best days, it’s not the number of ☑️s that matter, but whether I’ve eliminated some tasks that have been rolled over on my list longer than I care to admit😳

That’s when I tend to get a little frustrated. When I realize things I’ve needed to do have somehow been sidetracked or pushed aside. Other tasks, commitments and obligations requires me to prioritize and handle them first. In some cases, I have others who are waiting on me to do something before they can do their something. Or I’ve made a promise to someone and they’re waiting for me to fulfill.

I like to think that God operates similarly. I mean, I get His ability to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, so therefore, can do whatever, whenever...But when I think about My God, I picture Him recognizing the need for order and prioritization. That makes it easier for me during those times when I feel like He isn’t responding, when or how I would like. He’s never slow, He’s just giving me (us) time to get ourselves together so that when He does move on our behalf....WE’RE READY!