Friends and Family Alert !!!

Well it’s that time of year. I’m sure I’m not the only one being bombarded with emails that are titled FRIENDS & FAMILY ________(Day, Event, or Sale).

And while I know every consumer with an email is getting barraged with the same  “Can’t Say NO to Deals”; I do feel kinda special that I may be able to get in on the specials a little sooner than everyone else.....You know...For those items that I’m buying for others, gifts of course (nothing to be stored away in my closet for me🤫)

But why is it that when I see these pop up, for a minute, just maybe a second-the thought that Banana Republic and Nordstrom have me on a special list that allows me access to all of their very best items...makes me smile and want to show them  my gratitude by, well you know....purchasing those “can’t live without” goodies for a whole 20% off...It’s a WIN-WIN the way I see it

Similarly is the WIN-WIN being on God’s special list.... We, as His children, get access to ALL the wonderful things in his kingdom! Who would ever SAY NO to the promise of eternal life with Him?! And I love that His Son Jesus, has already paid the TOTAL price (no 20% discount there). This is the deal of a lifetime. Get Yours While Supplies Lasts!!!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
— 1 Peter 2:9 ESV