When there's a Will, There's a Way

I would think that most highly driven, purposeful and resourceful individuals have declared this mantra at some point in their lives. And regardless of whether you are wielding your way throughout corporate boardrooms or from room to room in your household (in many cases, both...); there’s no question that putting a plan together and then executing, for the most part, works well quite often.

Now of course, there’s a lot that happens in between the plan & execution, right?—I’ve been a fan of David Allen’s GTD (GETTING THINGS DONE) Model for quite some time. I prefer his first edition names/stages—collect, process, organize, plan, and do. I’ve found that after awhile, I didn’t have to think through each stage, they just became automatic as I tackled what ever workload or project that was before me-

But I also subscribe to God’s Model as well...HWHW (His Will His Way). There’s no patent out there for this (at least I don’t think so, I probably should have checked). 😊

There are only two stages that we’re responsible for (DISCOVER & ALIGN with His Will) and then He takes it from there by CREATING His Way. It’s as simple as that!

And the more I grow in Him, the more I realize that Tammy’s thoughts and ways will NEVER be as great and promising as His are for me...So I’ll just keep doing what I do—GTD style: collecting, processing, organizing, planning and doing...While at the same time remembering that if I’m implementing HWHW, everything else seems to fall into place!

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your way and my thoughts than your thoughts.
— Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV