FAITH to Climb

"Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” ---Barry Finlay 

If after receiving your SAVE THE DATE last week, you've had a moment to think about and consider your metaphorical mountain(s), I'm sure you'd agree with the author of the above quote. (And if you didn't click here to see it!)

This quote happens to be one that I reference often for a variety of reasons---

  1. EVERY infers that there's no category for mountain tops that can't be reached! ALL are included!

  2. WITHIN REACH implies that while "it" may not be in our possession presently, "it" can be obtained and lastly,

  3. KEEP CLIMBING indicates that there is some action that must be consistently activated to achieve success!!!!

WOW!!! All that out of one single quote---In an effort to simplify that quote, how about I offer one single word--FAITH!!!  Hebrews 11:1 tells us that  "Now FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"

I've been spending some time over the last few years thinking about my metaphorical mountain(s)... and to be perfectly honest, depending on what's going on in my life at the time, they vary. But what has stayed consistent is this:

No matter how many mountain tops I set out to reach, at some point in that climb, I periodically run out of determination, stamina, strength, and confidence in myself. And it is at that point that my FAITH kicks in and reminds me that…

I can do all things through Christ. - Philippians 4:13  

There's certainly something to be said for the mindset of "keep climbing". And I'll hold on to that. But I'll never let go of my FAITH!!