Adding A Beginning To Our End

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" --Seneca

We're just a week into 2020--Not only a new year but the start of a new decade! And while the excitement of starting afresh is the driving force behind most of our intentions or resolutions; there's an homage to be paid for recognizing the need for things and experiences to be left behind...ended...over!!!!

The natural order of occurrences requires some things to end before others can happen or occur. But that’s oftentimes easier said than done!

Some of us have to cease continuing to find ourselves in relationships (platonic or otherwise), that require too much of our time or resources, only to be exhausted at the end when you realize there’s no growth.

Many need to demand our appetites for excessively more to end. Doesn’t matter if your “more” is food, material things, or even attention & accolades from others; when the surplus of any of them negatively impacts your health, wealth or well being; it needs to end.

But, if we’re being honest with ourselves, the old way of doing or being is usually so comfortable and familiar, that embarking on the new appears difficult and we may have tried before but failed. So we stop trying-Stay stuck!

When you find yourself here, reflect on Isaiah 42:9...which speaks to “...former things coming to pass, and new things being declared...”

Let’s boldly put an end to that which needs to end and embrace our new!