Things May Not Be Perfect, But...

I’m guessing I’m not the only one out here lately who is experiencing what I would consider unnecessary frustration over the simplest things. 

Like take for example the other day after bringing home takeout food. I was set my mouth to get ready to dig in... only to discover the restaurant got my order wrong. After I went on and on to everyone home at the time, about how unbelievable it was that said restaurant gave me fried nuggets instead of grilled, I left the bag of food on the kitchen counter in protest to the poor service; committed to not eating “just anything”, and determined to take the food back after I finished my upcoming call... About 30 mins later, I was at the microwave—Fried wasn’t so bad after all. 

Or perhaps you can relate to being one of many who have found themselves locked into their screens (phone, laptop, or personal tablets) much more than you were pre-Covid, and your internet/wi-fi just seems to lag at the most inopportune times😳  Ummmmm, I about LOST IT when it took almost an hour to place my Lululemon order, due to wi-fi challenges—Doesn’t my internet company know that I MUST get the new fall colors for my leggings collection before they run out of my size?

I just want things to go as planned and run smoothly for the most part—Sometimes it’s just the little things for me—Clearly, right?!😃 I don’t think I’m asking for much—

I get that in many cases, our “new normal” is being defined daily...And while I can laugh a bit (hope you did too) at myself when I think about the insignificance of fried vs. grilled or 5 mins vs. 1 hour to place an order for items to be worn from the bedroom to the kitchen (or possibly outside for a run if it’s not raining); I try to pause regularly throughout the day to remind myself of all the grace He extends towards me when I’m not so “perfect”. 

It’s in those moments that mishaps at the drive-thru or the necessary rebooting on my laptop are far less frustrating than they appear...

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV