Small Steps to Thankful

By: Dr. Tammy Barnett

As hard as I tried to not be cliché, focusing on anything less than being thankful this time of year is personally challenging.

So I hope you’ll enjoy our guest writers for the month of November, as they share on the topic of being thankful- 

I am certain that not everyone is as reflective as I know many readers of Perfectly Unwrapping are, and that’s ok…I too find myself at times, short on availability and opportunities to just think…To ponder what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, or could I be doing it better. 

And I get so consumed with the DOING, that those necessary thoughts get overlooked and before I know it, I look up and, well usually, I’m on to the next (whatever that “next” is). 

So among the many small steps I’ve committed to this past year to be a healthier version of Tammy, one is just being THANKFUL!!!! Like from the moment I roll over in the morning, before I reach for my phone to check texts, emails, or social media; I’m trying to replace such a habit with one of THANKFULNESS. 

Yea, I pray every morning with my husband—{wellll, he usually does the praying next to me before he leaves for work and I try to at least get the AMEN in at the end if I’m awake🙏🏽🙃} and then I spend some time in scripture, reading, praying and mediating….but by that time, there’s usually also a load in the washing machine, dishes in the dish washer and a dog that also needs my attention. 

So, I’m trying something new…The very first thing to do BEFORE THE FIRST THING ON MY TO-DO LIST is to express my THANKFULNESS. I won’t count on the weather, how I feel, or what exciting (or not) things I may have ahead of my day——My first thoughts and words will be directed towards HIM. I’ll thank God for the opportunity to #1–Thank Him, right?!…but then I‘ll remind Him of the many wonderful things He has done and is continuing to do in my life and how THANKFUL I am for them!!!!

Psalm 95:2 . ESV

“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! 

Tammy Barnett